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The original Aspire Breeze has proven itself with its small size, automatic glow and overall ease of use. Although its successor drops the auto glow, it retains everything else, adding a higher capacity battery and replaceable POD.

Product description

This also doubles as a reservoir for e-liquid and also houses the glow head, which can be easily unscrewed to replace at any time. There is therefore no need to replace the entire POD. The capacity of the integrated battery has been increased to 1000mAh, which in conjunction with the included glow heads will ensure weak and medium smokers can vape undisturbed for long periods of time.

Thanks to the Direct Output Voltage mode, there is no need to adjust anything on Aspire Breeze 2. The amount of vapour produced and the intensity of the glow is based on the battery's state of charge and the more the battery is charged, the more vapour it will produce. A micro USB port is provided for charging. To generate steam, the button needs to be held down during the coating. Unfortunately, the automatic glow system during coating is not equipped with this model. Aspire Breeze 2 thus perfectly combines the advantages of POD systems and classic electronic cigarettes and is thus a great choice not only for beginners.

Package contents and parameters
1x Breeze 2
1x 1Ω ignition head
1x 0,6Ω glow head
4x O-rings
1x silicone gasket
1x micro USB cable

Package contents may be further specified.

96mm x 35mm x 19mm
Mode: direct output voltage
Battery: 1000mAh
Charging: micro USB port (5V/0.8A)
Capacity: 3ml

Quality construction, small size, interchangeable POD and glow heads, the Aspire Breeze 2 comes with changes that are only for the better.

Unlike the original version, the Breeze 2 now allows you to remove and replace the e-liquid reservoir. This POD is also used to house the glow head. This makes it possible to have multiple PODs filled with different cartridges and simply swap them out.

The small size makes the Aspire Breeze 2 a great travel companion. You can easily stash it in your pocket and it won't take up space in your bag.

To fill, simply slide the POD out of the battery and remove the silicone cap. The Breeze 2 offers a 3ml capacity

Incendiary head
The package includes two glow heads with different resistances. While with the 1Ω resistance head you will enjoy a tighter coating more similar to classic cigarettes, the 0.6Ω head will give you more vapor and a looser coating.

Product review
5 rating





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